Pascale Maroney

Registered Sign Language Interpreter
Languages: BSL English
(Registration Expires: 31/08/2025)
Photo ID Card No: 1006867
Weekdays Evenings Weekends
Contact no 07876200153
Text only No
Email address

The information provided below is additional to registration requirements and therefore has not been verified by NRCPD.

Additional qualifications

Type Qualification Date achieved
Communication / Language Level 4 NVQ units in BSL 02/12/2004
Professional Member of the Register of Sign Language Interpreters, CACDP 01/03/2009


Start date End date Job title Employer
24/02/2007 31/07/2013 BSL/English Interpreter Centre for Deaf Studies, University of Bristol


Further Education
Schools, e.g. classroom, staff meetings/training, parents' meetings
Adult Education, i.e. 'leisure' courses
Higher Education and professional
Sport indoor
Sport outdoor, outdoor pursuits
Health and Social Services
Community consultation meetings
Physical health, e.g. GPs, hospitals, physio, opticians, dentists, health visitors, ante-natal
Theatre, Arts, Television
Talks, e.g. gallery, museum
Workshops or training, arts, TV
Work support, e.g. telephone interpreting, meetings, correspondence, supervision
Disciplinary proceedings - employment
Training/professional development