Tom Pearson

Registered Sign Language Interpreter
Languages: BSL English
(Registration Expires: 30/06/2025)
Photo ID Card No: 1017464
Weekdays Evenings Weekends
Contact no 0781 811 81 81
0781 811 81 81
Text only No
Email address

The information provided below is additional to registration requirements and therefore has not been verified by NRCPD.


Organisation Date joined
Visual Language Professionals (VLP) 11/06/2019

General Info

I have experience interpreting at business and committee meetings, workshops and seminars, within higher education, as well as festival and platform interpreting.

I have a background in technical project management and consultancy which means I’m ideally placed to provide interpreting services assignments requiring an understanding of IT, web, and digital.

I am delighted to have been selected by actors and production companies as a preferred interpreter for television and theatre production rehearsals and workshops.

I have a great deal of experience interpreting on theology courses, in churches, and a variety of other Christian settings. I can interpret weddings and baptisms/christenings, and I have interpreted many funerals.

I have regular BSL to English translation work providing spoken English voice-over for BSL videos. Assignments have included social media content, survey instructions and questions, a children’s book, and church services.